30 Days of OpenAI
For 30 days, I plan to test open-source Ai projects on GitHub and learn how to build a project myself. These posts will be short and focus on understanding what things you can create with Ai and what needs to be prepared.
I have been collecting a list of 30 projects created by developers like you and me to test out and look closely at the code. To name a few on my list:
Oh and OpenAi is in the title, but this series will also focus on other Ai tools.
I plan update this post with links to all future posts, so if you want to bookmark this post for later, please do.
Day 1: AI generated git commit messages
Finally, comment links to yours and other projects I should look at. Bonus points if they are open sourced and viewable on GitHub. I aim to get enough exposure to integrate Ai into my projects and live stream.
Stay saucy.