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AmrinFeb 19, 2023
A dev to client. Read dev to blog in a new frontend
I Read An Article On Burnout, And Now I'm Scared

I Read An Article On Burnout, And Now I'm Scared


I decided to read "That's Not My Burnout", as someone who has recently discovered the possibility of having ADHD and/or ASD, a lot of things about myself have started to make sense. Some of those things being, hyperfixations, stimming and autistic inertia. The last one is my biggest concern. Sometimes it is hard to stop, or in this case begin. It is not possible to find motivation to do somethiing or get simple or hard tasks completed, making completing tasks a complete gamble. And as the article mentioned, a lot of people felt the same way at the height of the pandemic. Burnout was a constant for me, I dropped all of my classes, and some days did not get out of bed at all. I had zero motivation to do a single thing except wake up, eat and sleep. But there were also some days where I could do one thing from sun up to sun down. I could write or draw all day, do my nails, play video games, and on the rare occasion - clean. I am excited to learn how to code, I want to be in control of my schedule, make something I'm proud of, work from home and have a reliable paycheck for once. But the constant fear of having no motivation is intimidating. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, or if a successful developer has felt this way, and it makes me wonder how they pushed through it.